Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Money worth more than health?

My last post was aimed at introducing this public to the dangers of GMO products.
Now I present to you a video found on Naturlcuresnotmedicine.com, one of my suggested links. The following video shows the extreme lengths that the government allows GMO companies to go to hide the dangers of GMO products.



Thursday, October 10, 2013


Why You Don't Know What You Are
By Carlisa Williams
You are what you eat, but do you know what you are? No. Nobody does, unless you're a scientist working for an bio-engineering company and have studied chemistry as well as physics and math. If the U.S. food markets continues to regulate its selections the way it does not, then pretty soon, it will be necessary for a person to have a masters degree in bio chemistry in order to truly know what they're eating.
I remember hearing a rumor back in the early 2000's that there was no real corn left in the world anymore, that it was all fake. 'That sounds stupid!' is how I responded. How could there not be any real corn left in the world, if the shelves are filled with it everyday?
GMO. Genetically Modified Organisms. This is a term coined by the European food and drug administration. GMO foods are so far altered from their origin that they are not even considered to be foods, by them.
GMO products are made to look, smell, and taste like the real thing, but are not. GMO brand foods are 'edited' from the seed and grown in labs using non conventional methods of production. Food like Tomatoes, Bananas, Spinach, even meats are capable of being turned into a GMO product. These foods are traditionally grown in a garden or on a farm without human intervention aside from watering and pruning, but GMO foods are made in the lab. According to best selling author Robyn O'brien, foreign protein cells are emplanted into the natural seed and the genetic properties of said seed is forever changed.
Whatever change the scientist wants to make is then produced a few weeks later. The GMO seed is mostly changed in order to produce a higher yield at a faster rate, but physical genetic properties, such as color and size can also be changed, but are often not.
Take the carrot, hardly anyone know that the carrot used to be a purple astringent tasting vegetable with orange flesh, until it was changed by scientists in the 1930's to produce a sweeter tasting product. (Read about the fun side affects of GMO carrots)Animals are even altered to produce more meat. GMO's are justified with the claim that the global food supply is lessening and the human conception rate is increasing, but how well will that do us all if the foods we are consuming are also killing us and causing more disease than health?
Aside the fact that you're eating someone's lab experiment, a horrible fact about GMOs are that they are currently on the market unlabeled and there is no governing force willing to stop it. Of course there is the FDA- the governing who is supposed to stop it, but back in 1991 the regulations that were placed on GMO foods were deregulated as means of making money, by then President Bush.
The worst thing about the deregulation of GMO product, is that the food is not required to be tested for safe consumption, even though according to the FDA's very own site; 'Bioengineered foods and food ingredients (including food additives) must adhere to the same standards of safety under the Act that apply to their conventional counterparts.This means that these products must be as safe as the traditional foods in the market.'
But how can safety be ensured if a food that is purposely being altered is not being tested for said safety? So if this is true, then how is it even remotely possible for the FDA to still be in tact? There is literally no job to do, if testing foods for consumptive safety is not a mandatory part of the process.
An even worse fact about GMO foods is that it has been found in several studies that GMO foods can potentially cause allergies, ailments and illnesses, such as autism, ADHD, cancer and many many more harmful side effects. Many point out the fact that with these illnesses caused by the very thing necessary to keep us alive, also keep 'doctors' and pharmaceutical companies very wealthy.
The connections within the industries of food, pharma, and government is astounding to a benighted woman like myself, who enjoys food alot. It makes one nauseous to think that the government could purposely be allowing it's citizens to become ill and closer to death, all for the sake of money/economy/ world power. The fact that in order to continue selling to other countries, the government makes these companies comply with foriegn law and remove harmful additives, is sickening to say the least.
But, the loose morals of the Government is a different topic to focus on. As for right now, even though it truly should be the other way around, I can only suggest staying away from foods that are not clearly labeled to be GMO free and educating yourself and anyone that you can on the hidden dangers lingering in their foods.
Find more information at Allergykids.org
'The unhealthy truth' by Robyn O'Brien
Join Occupy Monsanto on facebook. Another rally is coming up scheduled to take place on October 12th.
Lists the countries where GMOs have been banned.